Welcome to VBMax 3D Effects DLL. Now you can add the 3D effects that Microsoft forgot to your VB 4.0 applications without the overhead of third-party controls. Less filling--works great. I know, I know, you’re probably champing at the bit and can’t wait to jump right in and run the demonstration program to see what this puppy can do. Before you can do that, however, there is a little matter of the Windows registry to take care of first. VBMax3D.dll is an in-process OLE server and must be installed properly before you can use it. If you don’t install it, the demo won’t work. Don't worry, if--for some strange reason--you are not super-impressed by this product, you can easily uninstall it. For complete information on this, how to use the DLL and other topics, open the online help file VBMax3D.hlp by double-clicking on it. Enjoy! Mike Stanley